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Academic History

Undergraduate Transcript

CS-3363 01Data Communication & NetworksA314/SP
CS-4343 01Enterprise Integration and ArchitectureA314/SP
CS-4513 01Senior Software Projects IIA314/SP
CS-4993 RWAdvances in Evolutionary ComputationA314/SP
MUS-1023 01Music Theory IIA314/SP
CS-4013 01Compiler ConstructionA313/FA
CS-4163 01Database SystemsA313/FA
CS-4503 01Senior Software Projects IA313/FA
MATH-4503 01Intro to Numerical MethodsA313/FA
MUS-1013 01Music Theory IA313/FA
CHEM-1023 01General Chemistry IIA313/SP
CS-4623 01Evolutionary ComputationA313/SP
EE-2161 01Digital Design LabA113/SP
EE-2163 01Digital Systems PrinciplesA313/SP
HON-3013 01Contemporary IssuesA313/SP
MATH-3073 02Differential EquationsA313/SP
CHEM-1011 03General Chemistry I LabA112/FA
CHEM-1013 06General Chemistry IA312/FA
CS-3003 01Computer Programming LanguagesA312/FA
CS-5863 02ST: Advanced Studies in Game ProgrammingA312/FA
ENGL-3003 01Writing for the ProfessionsA312/FA
HON-3003 01Modernity & Its DiscontentsA312/FA
CS-3023 01Intro to Game ProgrammingA312/SP
CS-3053 01Operating SystemsA312/SP
HON-2013 01History & Philosophy of ScienceA312/SP
PHYS-2061 02General Physics II LabA112/SP
PHYS-2063 02General Physics IIA312/SP
STAT-4813 01Statistical Methods for Scientists and EngineersA312/SP
CS-2033 01Computer Architecture, Organization and AssemblerA311/FA
CS-2123 01Data StructuresA311/FA
HON-2003 01Enlightenment & Its CriticsA311/FA
MATH-2073 01Calculus IIIA311/FA
MATH-4123 01Linear Algebra and Matrix TheoryA311/FA
CS-2003 01Fundamentals of Algorithms & Computer ApplicationsA311/SP
CS-3013 01Discrete MathematicsA311/SP
HON-1013 02Medieval Culture to RenaissanceA311/SP
MATH-2024 01Calculus IIA411/SP
PHYS-2051 05General Physics I LabA111/SP
PHYS-2053 03General Physics IA311/SP
CS-1001 01Intro to Computer ScienceP110/FA
CS-1043 02Intro to Programming and Problem-SolvingA310/FA
ENGL-1033 18Exposition & ArgumentA310/FA
HON-1003 03Greek History/Philosophy/DramaA310/FA
MATH-2014 02Calculus IA410/FA
BLKA-2013NWOSU Transfer Credit: Music In LifeA319/FA
BLKA-2003NWOSU Transfer Credit: Intro to LiteratureA319/FA

Total Earned Credits 130.00
Total Grade Points 492.00
Cumulative GPA 4.000

Graduate Transcript

CS-7983 RMResearch & ThesisA315/FA
CS-7863 01ST: Self-Adaptive SystemsA315/FA
CS-7983 RMResearch & ThesisA315/SU
CS-7993 RMAdvanced Meta-coordinationA315/SU
CS-7423 01Image ProcessingA315/SP
CS-7433 01Distributed AlgorithmsA315/SP
CS-7993 RMHeterogeneous Distributed Problem SolvingA315/SP
CS-6813 01Fundamentals of Computer GraphicsA314/FA
CS-6863 01ST: Scientific & Information VisualizationA314/FA

Total Earned Credits 30.00
Total Grade Points 120.00
Cumulative GPA 4.000